Ah yes , the price wars. as a contractor when I set upon a price I base it on many factors. As a shopper you may feel you want the best deal. BUT is the lowest price the best deal. Come on, you know the answer to that. It is no. I did a roof cleaning job the other day for a set price, the owner had said," I paid the same thing last year but the guy also did my house and driveway" ( the guy who looked like a pro, Pressure washed the roof after being told not to, He peeled off some paint from the door step, He broke an outside lamp and he never finished the house. What do you think this poor service was from? His price was too low, His experience was either non existent or his morals were. I redid the job for a higher price and well it came out great. I took the time to do it right, I charged accordingly. I am running a business, this means I have insurance, I pay my taxes, JUST like you!!!
Why would you hire someone that doesnt. AT neilson cleaning we are not the cheapest and we are not the most expensive, We charge accordingly. My price includes my professionalism, quality of work, my legal business status. If it is not in your budget to hire a pro, then save up a bit. you will be glad you did.
John Neilson
(386) 956-3406
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