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Monday, September 14, 2015

99 dollar house wash " look out"

The time has come for you to hire a professional roof cleaner or pressure washer. 
It can be a struggle finding the right contractor to use. What do you base your decision on? 
References, experience or price. References and experiences, well they kind of go together. But as far as the price, How well do you choose. Let me give you an example. 
House wash for a house of 1900 square ft. The first contractor gives you a price of $99 ( goes up to $125.00 if you want soap)
The second price is $225.00, and the third is $300.00.   So you base your decision on price ($99)

The contractor rolls up with a pick up truck, he unloads his pressure washer and a pump up sprayer and bleach he bought from the local store. Chances are they will spray down bugs and webs with the bleach and use high pressure to blast away the dirt. Will your paint be damaged? Will your window seals be blown out? Will the algae be killed at the root or just on the surface? If They break or damage anything, who pays?  There is a lot to think about. To be realistic a 99 dollar all you can get price is really not practical in the service industry.  
At Neilson Cleaning we might not be the lowest price and we sure are not the highest. BUT we are a business with a tax license and Insurance. We have professional associations with industry leaders and  references from our local chamber of commerce. 
Give us a Call 
John Neilson 

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