As a resident of Deltona Florida, I cannot help but notice how many homes, roofs, driveways need to be washed. They are covered in algae and mold, some worse then others of coarse. I would guess that 8 of 10 roofs are dark with algae growth, and almost every driveway is mold covered. This is unhealthy and it just looks dirty.
Do we take pride in where we live. Deltona has a bad reputation. It is my city and it is your city.
The income per capita is $20,354, which includes all adults and children.
The state of Florida is just over $34,000.
So yes Deltona Florida makes less money, But why live with a dirty house , Is the money the issue, If it is give Neilson cleaning a call. (386) 956-3406, I will offer discounts to Deltona Florida residents. and If I wash your home and a neighbor hires me also , you will be compensated for the extra work I get. Our prices are reasonable, But you wont know until you call. I give free estimates. I enjoy working in Deltona Florida. Its my home
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